Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Stay Strong!

 Stay Strong! 

2020, a year that will be dreaded and remembered for generations to come. The pandemic crept in surreptitiously, got a few to cough and sneeze and then made a cacophonous announcement of its arrival. 

Helpless and overpowered was the most intelligent race, until the forgotten scientists and doctors rose up to save mankind. Unparalleled support by the tirelessly endeavouring health care workers, administration, good samaritans and FMCG networks. 

While all the heroics and bravery were celebrated, there were many a households that lost a member. Condolences and obituaries pouring in with the clichéd and insignificant “stay strong” messages. While passing away of a dear one is always painful, but the sudden and untimely ones, leaves one shuddering to find ground amidst the seemingly ubiquitous vacuum - sucking you into a oblivious non responsive shock. 

Stay Strong fails to even kiss past the deafened ears. To a robotised human, who is on a mechanical mode, acting on one process to another, from a ritual to a ceremony. 

Stay Strong is a reiteration and reminder that one is breaking down. It reverberates the loss and disallows one to be vulnerable. 

Prayers and hope, the world doesn’t encounter another all vanquishing waves of pandemics nor does any one lose their loved ones untimely and hear a “Stay Strong” advice.

The world needs empathy, emotional Intelligence and more importantly a support that says nothing, yet stands by you, till you feel you are alright. Stay tight and close, show strength!