Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hold on!

Life is a mystery
And loved ones mysterious.

Sharing all the laughter and using the shoulder to cry.

Some are like a breath of fresh air,
Smiling and spreading warmth.

Some, humorous; making you laugh at every word that they utter.

These are people, who make you who you are;
Working symbiotically, pushing one another to reach their stars.

And then, so mysterious they are, just vanish like the shooting star. You see them, but they are gone.

And so they say, to hold on to ones you love, close to you.

Cause even with your hands clasped, they will slip away like sand, when it’s time.

A lesson for all, who care and would like to be cared for.
The clock for each is different and we’d never know who’s running out of time.
Till then; love, care, spread some cheer and smiles

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Some Stories Never End

They went their own ways,
Carrying memories and love.

Years went by, they built their homes and painted their lives.

Etched in their hearts; memory & love.
 A color missing, that’d make their rainbow.

Far, yet close. Concerned and happy for one another.
Keeping an eye, cause the love never died.

Finding excuses to reignite,
Music one time and gossip some other day.
But a pretext, to check, “you are there”.

Funny yet charming, they stayed apart but never drifted.
Some stories, never end. Do they!