Tuesday, April 9, 2019

“Social Media - A Battlefield”

My View Vs Yours

The sultry air is resonating the cries of, “Bharat Mata ki Jai” and that of “Chowkidar Chor Hain” and in air conditioned office spaces the People, who have taken a firm and perhaps a fanatical side to their likings or/and hatred, are making their fingers toil hard on their keypads and keyboards to deliver their opinion, albeit with vitriolic conviction.

The Source & Fake News

Egregious Opinions based on affinity and more often than not, out of half baked yet appealing information feeding mechanism have become the fuel for social media wars . So convinced are these warriors, they are blind to the obvious and shut themselves to the belief, that their political leaning is that of rationale, logic and for the "nations better". 

Perhaps, a wee bit petulant too in advocating their affiliation. 

The Wrong of the Rights

Rights are being abused and duties seem to be in a slumber. The politically charged social media warriors; post, re-post, forward selectively managed, camouflaged as an altruistic gesture to educate their “friends” by thrusting their opinions.

Seeing what you seek

Technology today shows you, what you want to see. Maybe, it is a reflection of our state of mind. To all the Hate, Negativity, I know it all and strongly opinionated posts, one can only think of offering their commiserations.
Be responsible and mindful. 

Your opinion is valuable; offer when requested.